We help communities estabilish their data management plans for adapting FAIR principles using the FAIR Implementation Profile
We help communities create community-wide development strategies and help planing the conversion of their data to FAIR data.
We generate alignment with international standards and other related communities to increase data reuse and Interoperability
The community develops Homosaurus and translates terms in Homosaurus to multiple langauges for reuse.
The community consists of researchers and data experts in the Netherlands who conduct research and publish data about social history and economic history research.
The Media Content Analysis Lab (MCAL) is funded by ODISSEI and it consists of scholars in the field of communication sciences and media content, largely based at the University of Amsterdam, and Wageningen University.
The GLOBALISE project develops an online infrastructure that enhances the accessibility and research potential of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) archives.
The Generations & Gender Programme Research Infrastructure provides high quality and timely data about families and life course trajectories of individuals to enable research on current societal and public policy challenges.
NedHisFirm collects financial data from printed Dutch sources spanning 1796-1973. The research focuses on the differences between weekly and daily publications to list securities on the Dutch stock-market across time.
The community publish data that are are collected for scientific researchers and policy makers, primarily from the (experimental) social, economic, and behavioral sciences.
The Eep Talstra Centre for Bible and Computer develops and maintains an advanced syntactic database of the Hebrew Bible and perform research on Ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac syntax and exegesis by applying computational and statistical methods.
CoDa contains six decades of studies on individual decision making in dyads and groups facing social dilemmas. The databank contains studies on human cooperation published in Chinese, English, and Japanese.
FIRMBACKBONE is an organically growing longitudinal data-infrastructure with information on Dutch companies for academic research.
People in the Dutch Audio-visual Media from Beeld en Geluid, a.k.a. the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision (NISV) Community working on media content, either playing or showing the digital media or processing the media to extract information from it.
We welcome passionate students for internships and theses with us.